On April 25, Mariam Khurtsidze and Ana Maria Kvabziridze, students of the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the Faculty of Law of Caucasus International University, were awarded the law office Migriauli and Partners’ scholarship. In addition, by the decision of Roin Migriauli, one more scholarship holder - Natia Basaria - was additionally identified.
The meeting was attended by: Dean of CIU Faculty of Law, Professor George Khatidze, Deputy Dean of Law Faculty Tamta Tirskvadze, Associate Professor, Head of Migriauli and Partners Law Office, Attorney Roin Migriauli and Head of Life-Long Learning and Career Development Service Mariam Jachvadze.
Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding between Caucasus International University and the Law Office – “Migriauli and Partners” - and organized by the Life-Long Learning and Career Development Service, Roin Migriauli scholarship was announced in the spring semester of 2024.
The selection of the participants in the scholarship competition announced by the law office “Migriauli and Partners” was implemented by taking into account the following criteria: academic performance of the candidates; motivation letter of the candidate; participation in various activities of the candidate in the field of law.